Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Daniel Ortega- “Blatantly Rigged Election”

Source: The New York Times
As we have clarified before, Nicaragua is a country of “democracy.”  When the people of Nicaragua want a new president, they only have one choice every single time.  The nominee will always be Daniel Ortega.  
In the late ‘70s there were 2 men running for president: Daniel Ortega and journalist Pedro Joaguin Chamorro.  Pedro was more conservative than Ortega, rumors were he would win the election over Ortega. During this time Ortega and his team would “freeze the minority vote” as in pay-off the people that counted to votes to have the low-incomes peoples vote not count.
On January 10th Pedro Joaguain Chamorro was assassinated by hitmen of the Somoza regime (people who worked for Ortega.) Since he was assassinated Ortega had the automatic win as president.
Ortega will always be president of Nicaragua until he dies, and when he does it will get passed on to a young man that is associated in his Somoza regime.
Nicaragua politics are far from the United States, if we do not like our president we will vote to get him/her impeached.  In Nicaragua the people do not have that option, if you are running against Ortega, that person running will get killed off or paid off so Ortega will always win.  
Even now, the people of Nicaraguas government will always be on Ortegas side, the people call their government “bloodsuckers.” The result in a new president elect, will only be resembled as a ritual of one-party rule.

Serena Taveggia

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