Monday, October 17, 2016

Election or Appointment?

Under Ortega’s government, Nicaragua has become one of the safest countries in the Americas.
President Ortega and his running mate, 
Rosario Murillo, also his wife
It looks as if the current Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, will be ‘winning’ his third consecutive term as chief executive with his running mate, Rosario Murillo, his wife, on November 6th. Don't be too alarmed though, 70% of the nicaraguan people are apparently in favor of Ortega’s reign for a third term! Under the order of President Ortega, the economy has improved, poverty decreased, and social programs have been implemented. So what’s not to like?
Considering, the Sandinista government was formed as a response to the revolution against a former dynasty reign, let us define a ‘dynasty’ according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Dynasty - A family of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time.

Since Ortega’s running mate is now his wife, is that not a family? Has he not been in office for three terms, two being consecutive? Sounds like a dynasty to the dictionary!
In fact, Ortega has been recently expelling members of the congress and court systems and replacing them with fellow loyalists. Is there even a chance for an opposing candidate to take the office? Possibly, however, extreme measures such as nuclear war would be one of the few alternatives to a re-election of Ortega.

So far Ortega has been sound with his intent with the country addressing problems that matter the most to the people. This alone would gain any kind of popular support from the country and the fact that Ortega is vouching to resolve those specific issues with plans, makes him the general choice.

Between Ortega’s popularity and staggering statistics for decreasing poverty and crime rate, he is the only choice for the upcoming presidential elections.

Here's to another term for Daniel Ortega.

Austin Phillips


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